Stonewire Optometry | Eye Exams, Contacts & Emergency Eye Care in Edmonton's Kingsway Mall

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Is it time for a change?

Are you’re like most contact lens wearers who forget to change their contact lenses on time? Then it may be time to find a solution. Over wearing or extending the life of your contact lenses can lead to increased contact lens intolerance, dry eye sensation, and blurry vision. Waiting to change your contact lenses when they feel dirty or get uncomfortable is an eye infection waiting to happen.

If you wear a 2-week disposable contact lens like Acuvue Oasys with Hydraclear Plus, then change them with every paycheck. If you wear a 1-month disposable contact lens like Air Optix Aqua Comfort Plus, then change them on the 1st day of every month. You can also consider switching into a 1-day disposable contact lens like Dailies Aqua Comfort Plus or Acuvue TruEyes and enjoy a clean new contact lens every day.

If technology is more your thing, consider joining Acuminder by the makers of Acuvue Brand contact lenses. This online tool allows you to schedule text message or email reminders on when to change your contact lenses, reorder contact lenses, and schedule your next eye exam.

Don't forget, anyone who wears contact lenses should see their eye doctor at least once a year for a complete eye health examination.