My Seasonal Allergies; I Want to Scratch My Eyes Out!

Photo: Lady blowing her nose because of seasonal allergies

Do you suffer from seasonal allergies?

Itchy, watery, burning eyes are just some of the ocular symptoms allergy suffers face.

Whether you suffer from seasonal allergies or specific environment allergies we know that they can make you miserable. 

So what can you do?

1st Option: The Natural Non-Pharmaceutical Approach to Seasonal Allergies

  • Always shower and wash your hair before bed to remove any dust or allergens that might be trapped in your hair.

  • Change your pillowcases every couple of days

  • Consider installing an air purifier in your bedroom or on your furnace. We love the Dyson and Austin Air Purifiers we use in our office.

  • You can also try preservative free lubricating eye drops to flush the allergens out of your eyes. A pro-tip is to put them in the fridge so they also provide a cooling sensation.

  • A cold compress whenever they start to itch.

  • Saltwater nasal rinses are also a great option if your sinus’ feel blocked.

2nd Option: The Medical Approach to Seasonal Allergies

If the non-pharmaceutical approach doesn’t work, then you might need to see an optometrist for a prescription solution.

Your optometrist has access to topical and oral medications to help manage your symptoms and provide relief.

We can prescribe fast short-term medications to get things under control as well as proactive long-term treatments to reduce the chance of a future flare up.

If you start suffering from seasonal allergies this spring and summer, don’t hesitate to book a medical eye exam with one of our optometrists. They can help you find solution. Medical eye exams like these are covered by Alberta Health Care.

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