What to Expect During a Diabetic Eye Exam

A diabetic eye exam at Stonewire Optometry in Kingsway Mall is a vital step in protecting your vision. Using advanced tools like OCT imaging, we carefully check for diabetic retinopathy, macular edema, and other diabetes-related eye conditions. Early detection and personalized care can prevent vision loss—book your exam today and take control of your eye health!

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You See What We See: The Benefits of Optomap.

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Do you ever wonder what your optometrist is looking at when they shine all those bright lights into your eyes? It's now possible for you to see what we see, with the introduction of optomap ultra-widefield digital retinal imaging; a new eye care procedure that Stonewire is offering as part of every comprehensive adult eye exam

Optomap’s digital retinal imaging provides our optometrists with a 200-degree digital image of the internal retinal layer of the eye or about 80%. Offering our eye doctors a much broader picture than the traditional 45-degree image captured by our previous generation HD digital retinal cameras. The best part, this image is obtained in a fraction of the time, which enhances our clinical care and improves overall patient satisfaction.

Protect your vision with regular eye exams, 

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Optomap captures a digital retinal image in a 1/4 of a second, is painless, and safe to be used on pregnant patients. 

California Model Optomap with attached touch screen on wheelchair accessible stand

In only a quarter of a second, the Optomap digital camera can non-invasively and painlessly capture an ultra-widefield digital image of the retina, revealing valuable information about both your eye and systemic health.

The images are obtained without the use of dilating eye drops in the majority of patients, allowing our clients to return to work or carry on with their daily tasks. The fact that there are no side effects makes this test an appealing first-line diagnostic instrument. 

An Optomap image is captured so quickly and easily it enables our optometrists to spend more time analyzing, diagnosing, and educating rather than gathering information. As such, Stonewire captures an Optomap retinal image as one of the baseline tests in our pre-testing sequence for all of our comprehensive adult eye exams. 

Optomap technology can provide a fantastic view of the inside of your eye, but these images do not replace the need for traditional eye exam techniques such as pupil dilation. Instead, these images provide our optometrists with another tool to help uncover retinal disease and assists in the diagnosis of eye conditions. It provides a 'map' of where to look. It enables our doctors to adequately determine the next course of action, which may include additional testing such as a more extensive dilated retinal exam, auto-fluorescence imaging, OCT retinal imaging or threshold visual field analysis. 

Since introducing the new optomap technology to our Kingsway Mall location, we've received a significant amount of positive patient feedback. The patients that have undergone the procedure have told us that they feel better educated and more confident about their overall eye health. They feel reassured when things are ok, and understand why they need extra testing procedures or a referral to an ophthalmologist when things are not. We are now more convinced than ever that this instrument was worth the significant investment.

Optomap Technology. You See What We See.

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Early detection of any retinal abnormality may lead to earlier treatments or earlier referrals and in many cases may help to prevent or reduce vision loss. As such, we believe that an optomap should be performed routinely regardless of symptoms, thereby allowing our doctors to observe even the most subtle ocular health changes. Having a complete view of one's retinal health is a distinct diagnostic advantage we want to provide our patients. Currently, Stonewire Optometry is the only eye care clinic in Kingsway Mall to offer optomap retinal imaging. 

Some of the more common conditions our optometrists may see signs of with this instrument include: 

  • Glaucoma and Ocular Hypertension

  • Age-Related Macular Degeneration

  • Diabetic Retinopathy

  • Retinal Nevi (birthmarks) and possible melanoma's (cancers)

  • Retinal detachments, holes, and tears

  • Hypertensive Retinopathy

  • Myopic or Retinal degeneration

It's false to think that you should only be examined by an optometrist when you need a change in your eyeglass or contact lens prescription. In reality, the most critical part of the eye examination is determining the health of the eye itself. Glasses alone cannot fix or cover up an unhealthy retina. 

You can learn more about the benefits of optomap retinal imaging on our website, or you can experience this eye-opening test by booking a comprehensive eye exam with a Stonewire optometrist in Kingsway Mall.   

Stonewire Optometry - See The Difference